
Write assembly language code for all type of the conditional overgflow and signed program flow control instructions

;Write assembly language code for all type of the conditional overgflow and signed
;program flow control instructions
        TTL transfer
        AREA Myprog, CODE, READONLY
        EXPORT main
;Table1: Conditional branch instructions for overflow detections
;Required branch control                   Unsigned data           Signed data
;If (overflow(R0 + R1)) then branch            BCS label            BVS label
;If (no_overflow(R0 + R1)) then branch         BCC label            BVC label
;If (overflow(R0 – R1)) then branch            BCC label            BVS label
;If (no_overflow(R0 – R1)) then branch         BCS label            BVC label

;Table2: Conditional branch instructions for positive or negative value detection
;Required branch control             Unsigned data                 Signed data
;If (result >=0) then branch         Not applicable                  BPL label
;If (result < 0) then branch         Not applicable                  BMI label
;unsigned overflow detection/ carry flag based branch
        LDR R6,=0xFFFFFFFF
        LDR R5,=0x00000001
LOOP11    ADDS R6,R6,R5
        ; during first addition carry flag is set, ans is C=1 R6=0x00000000
        ; during second addition carry flag is reset, ans is C=0 R6=0x00000001
        BCC LOOP10            ;branch if  C=0
        BCS LOOP11            ;branch if C=1
;above example peform the overflow for addition operations
;for subtraction you can do it by your own         
;Signed overflow incorporate signed ov, carry and Signed flag        
        LDR R6,=0xFFFFFFFF
        LDR R5,=0x80000000
LOOP12    ADDS R6,R6,R5
        ; during first addition sign change and ov flag is set, ans is N=0,C=1,ov=1 R6=0x7FFFFFFF
        ; during second addition sign changes and ov flag is reset, ans is N=1,C=0,ov=0 R6=0xFFFFFFFF
        BVC LOOP13                  ;branch if V=0
        BCS    LOOP15                ;branch if C=1
LOOP15    BPL LOOP16        ;branch if N=0
LOOP16    BVS LOOP12        ;branch if V=1
LOOP13    BCC LOOP14        ;branch if C=0
LOOP14    BMI done        ;branch if N=1
        SWI &11

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