
Solution of assembly language code to arrange set of 32 bit data stored from memory location 0x1FFFF104 in descending order, No. of data elements is stored on memory location 0x1FFFF100.


;if input is 0A 01 02 0F
;then output is 01 02 0A 0F

        TTL transfer
        AREA Myprog, CODE, READONLY
        EXPORT main
        LDR R7,=0X1FFFF100     ; initialize the register R7 with starting address.
        LDR R1,[R7,R1]         ; fetch the first value to R1 for counting.  
        LSLS R1,R1,#0x02       ; left shift the R1 by 2 position to multiply with 4.
LOOP    ADDS R6,R6,#0X04       ; Shift R6 to fetch the next word.
        CMP R6,R1              ; compare R6 with R1 to continue loop.
        BEQ done               ; if R6=R1 than end loop otherwise continue.
        LDR R2,[R7,R6]           ; store minimum value.
        MOVS R0,R2             ; R0 stores the initial value.
        LDR R4,=0X00000000     ; R4 stores the address of data when minimum is found.
        ADDS R3,R6,#0X04       ; R3 is also counter that starts from next value of R6.
COMPARE    LDR R5,[R7,R3]         ; fetch data into R5.
        CMP R5,R2              ; compare the R5 with R2 to find lesser.
        BLO LOWER              ; number are unsigned so if R5<R3 than jump to label.
back    ADDS R3,R3,#0X04       ; Increment R3.
        CMP R3,R1              ; Compare R3 with R1 to continue or exit Compare loop.
        BLE COMPARE              ; If R3<=R1 continue Compare Loop.
        CMP R4,0X00000000       ; If R4 value changed the Goto Swap
        BNE SWAP
back1   B LOOP                 ; unconditional jump to comapre
LOWER   MOVS R2,R5             ; transfer R5 to R2 if R5 is higher than R2
        ADDS R4,R7,R3           ; Store the address where minimum is found
        B back                 ; jump to label

SWAP     STR R0,[R4]            ; Swapping
        STR R2,[R7,R6]      
        B back1                ; jump to label
        SWI &11



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